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丝绸之路上的美食 Food on Silk Road

学习目标 Learning Objectives
Recognize and understand key vocab and grammar
Make a sentence with key grammar
重点词汇 Key Vocab
富(fù)庶(shù)丰(fēng)饶(ráo) ,盛(shèng)产(chǎn) ,优(yōu)质(zhì) ,闻(wén)名(míng)中(zhōng)外(wài) ,融(róng)化(huà) ,积(jī)雪(xuě) ,灌(guàn)溉(gài) ,创(chuàng)造(zào)
重点语法 Key Grammar
Begin your lesson by watching the interactive video below!

作业 Assignment

请用 “以...而闻名中外” 造句

Please make a sentence with the key grammar in the comment section and share your sentence on in the following comment section!

中国人的五味调和Five Chinese flavors

Learning objectives:

Name five flavors in Chinese, sour(酸suān),sweet(甜tián),bitter(苦kǔ),spicy(辣là)and salt (咸xián).


Make sentences by using the sentence structures: ______的味道是___________。 它看起来像________________。它的颜色是________________,我知道________________也是___________的。




______的味道是___________。 它看起来像________________。它的颜色是________________,我知道________________也是___________的。


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